Friday, March 7, 2008

Clearing My Msn

JuSt LiKe ThE tITlE, i'Ll Be ClEaRiNg My MsN. nOwAdAyS a LoT oF uNkNoWnS kEeP aDdInG mE aNd WhEn I aSkEd FoR aN iNtRo, NoT eVeN oNe oF tHeM rEpLy Me. If YoU'rE gOiNg To AdD mE, aT lEaSt InTrO yOuRsElVeS a BiT. doNt JuSt AdD aNd IgNoRe My MeSsAgEs. I uNdErStAnD tHaT sOmEtImEs yOu'Re AwAy WhEn I mEsSaGe, So I'm GoInG tO mEsSaGe YoU 3 tImEs FiRsT. iF tHeRe Is No RePlY, i'Ll DeLeTe YoU fRoM mY lIsT. sEemS fAiR eNoUgH rIgHt? I hOpE nO oNe WiLl Be OfFeNdEd. If YoU'rE dElEtEd AnD sTiLl WaNtS tO bE mY fRiEnD jUsT rEaDd Me AnD lEaVe An InTrO. dOeSnT mAtTeR iF i Am NoT oN. JuSt LeAvE aN oFfLiNe MeSsAgE. I'lL gEt BaCk To YoU aS sOoN aS i GeT oNlInE.

tHaNk YoU(^^)


♥єrlίnα said...
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♥єrlίnα said...

becareful of virus...
sometimes msn accounts consist of virus...
good luck 4 ur results n rmb to tell me abt it,k?

Anonymous said...

woah~!1st blog in march!ekeke..wei,very long dint chat with you in msn d.Seems like very hard to chat with you..anyway,beware of those unknown emaill address,some of them are virus,normally i dont accept the request if i dont know them.hehe. 11 march..sms me ur result k(if u let..hehe)..good luck!!all the best!!miss u~!

Huey Wen said...

lol..that 'anonymous' was me..when free,make a tag board in ur blog.i wan to bomb urs..ekeke!