Friday, November 9, 2007

Brand New

yEaH!! WaZzUp AlL!! fInAlLy StArtEd A bLoG!! eXcIteD? fOr AlL tHoSe PeOpLe ThAt SaId, "DaNiEl Is ToO lAzY tO sTaRt A bLoG", wElL... "iN yOuR fAcE!!" rIGhT, nOw ThAt'S oUt Of ThE wAy, LeT's GeT tO ThE iNtRoDuCtIoNs. My NaMe Is DaNiEl ChIn TuNg LeOnG, yOu CaN cAlL mE a WiDe vArIeTy Of NaMeS. FoR iNsTaNcE, dAnIeL, ChIn, LeOnG, dAn, NiEl, eTc, EtC bUt MoSt oF mY fRiEnDs jUsT cAlL mE dAnIeL oR sIcKfIsH(=.=) . i'M 19 tHiS yEaR(2007), cUrReNtLy iN a LiL pEaCeFuL tOwN tAiPiNg. SuBjEcT tO cHaNgE aFtEr My StPm WhIcH iS 2 wEekS FrOm NoW. oMg!! WhAt Am I dOiNg HeRe, ShOuLd Be StUdYiNg. BetTeR fInIsH tHiS fAsT aNd StUdY. wElL AnYwAy, I WoUlD cOnSiDeR mYsElF tO bE fUnNy, KiNd HeArTeD aNd A gOoD lIsTeNeR. sO shOwEr Me WiTh YoUr PrObLeMs, I'lL tRy To HeLp If I aM aBlE tO. i'M aLsO kNoWn As ThE eMotIoNaL oNe aMoNg My FrIeNdS bUt DoNt LeT tHaT sCaRe YoU. wHeN i Am EmO, nOrMalLy I'lL jUsT jAm GuItAr SoLoS(yEs, I dO pLaY gUiTaR) Or bLaSt My Mp3 To ThE mAx WiTh My FaV sOnGs. I'm ReAlLy InTo MuSic aNd MuSiC iS mY lIfE. cAn YoU iMaGiNe A wOrLd WitHoUt MuSic? I'lL bE tHe FiRsT tO dIe If ThaT hApPeNs. WeLl, I'Ll KeEp ThIs ShOrT aNd SiGn OuT nOw To StUdY. iF aNyOnE wAnTs To KnOw Me BeTteR, vIsIt My FrIeNdStEr PrOFiLe At Or AdD mY mSN
sTaY tUnEd FoR mOrE fRoM mE, I'lL tRy To UpDaTe wHeN i GeT tHe ChAnCe. ByE fOr NoW. dOnT fOrGeT tO LeAvE a CoMmeNt.


ern said...

You might want to add in humour, sarcasm, criticism, etc. Just write what crap you want. It should come from the inside of you. Not by copying others and stuff like that. Check out my blog, ya.

Anonymous said...

Waliew, get yourself a blog huh? Should i get one too. Haha. Quite ok for a starters blog. Add in some videos if you want since you say u play guitar. Add in daily lifestyle. Oh yea, write in paragraphs so that it is easier for people to read.