Ok, just a short note before i begin. I did not go to for the christmas countdown due to heavy traffic jams. So no post on it. Thanks and sorry.
Now, back to topic, ITS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR AGAIN!!! Dont ya just love this time? This is the time where you sit down with a piece of paper on your table and a pen/pencil in your hand. This is the time where you crack your brain thinking "What do i wanna do or change in the coming year" Yup, its new year's resolution time people!!!
Ok, before i write down my year 2010's resolution, lets take a look at my 2009's resolution and see what did i manage:
1. Lose weight
I would say i did lose some, cut me some slack and put a PASS here
2. Less emo
Number of emo posts went down this year... or maybe its cause i was less active... but definately less emo i would say... PASS
3. Become a better guitarist
Hmm... hard to say... maybe?
4. Pass exams
Errr.... no comment...
5. Blog more
Definately GG... FAIL
6. Move out of the shit hole i called home in sunway
7. Make more friends
Hmm... PASS?
8. Buy new pc
FAIL big time
9. Buy guitar
10. Secret resolution
Conclusion :
Hmm... quite ok i guess... (^^)
Ok now on with my 2010 resolutions!!!
1. Lose more weight!!!
2. Definately pass my exams this time!!!
3. Make lots and lots more friends!!!
4. Emo be gone!!!
5. Blog more
6. Buy bass guitar!!!
7. Buy new pc!!!
8. Repair e. guitar!!!
9. Rock hard on my guitar!!!
10. Blog more and more and more!!!
11. Secret resolution!!!
Hmm, almost same with last year... Sucky resolutions... Maybe you guys can help me up and leave some comments on what resolutions should I include in the list. Come on guys, look at the sucky resolutions above. I need help. So leave your ideas in the comment section or chat box k?
Alright thats it for now. Take care and byez!!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Its That Time Again
Posted by ~Daniel~ at 6:05 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Be warned. This post is random and stupid. Do not read if you do not like random or stupid things. Dont say i didnt warn ya. (^^)
So i was driving on the NKVE when i saw this sweet ride(refer pics). I think its an unfinished bus or something like that. Can see the engine and everything. Well, i think its kinda cool. That guy driving it is wearing a helmet somemore. So cute... Well, see-ing that i have nothing to blog bout, I guess this will do for the moment. Gonna go for a christmas countdown with the guys later and will blog about it. Stay tuned.
Posted by ~Daniel~ at 12:10 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Early Christmas
Event : Christmas Celebration
Time : 4.00pm
Venue: City Lights Church, Damansara Damai
A picture is worth a thousand words. I'll let the pics do the talking.
Posted by ~Daniel~ at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Ball Day
Woke up at 8.30am, went college, played basketball with the guys. Not too bad, at least still can shoot the ball. The main purpose was just to sweat a little bit. After playing basketball, we went to AC to have our lunch.
After lunch, went in the cyber cafe and started playing L4D 2. It was ok for a couple of levels but when we reach the second last level. We cant get through. Tried and tried and tried but still failed big time. In the end, got so fed up of it, we used SV_cheats... and you can guys what happened after that... Just bang balls only... (>.<)
After that, went over to Asian Club for some pool. Got "tapao-ed" nicely by Andrew. He's such a pro, need to ask him to train me up some other time. Anyway after that, ate dinner. After dinner, parents came and fetch me. When i got into the car, my parents told me tat they have to go to my mom's office in banting for awhile. Its 1 hour and 30 mins drive again. Hell-ish to the max. Ended up, 12 something only came back. From 8am till 12am... Balls....
Yea i know... the post is crappy... too tired... brain dead... sorry anyway two pics of Andrew Vs Ric in pool. Enjoy.
Well, before i end, I would like to ask. What other games do you all play and why do you all play it? Thats all and have a great weekend guys. Muacks, bye
Posted by ~Daniel~ at 12:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Curvy Curve
As William Shakespeare once said “If all the year were playing holidays, to sport would be as tedious as to work.” I believe that many of us can have different views on what the holidays really are. To many they are just a time to receive gifts and to others they are a time to reunite with family. For me however, its a time to chill and just kick back with my friends.
So i went to the curve on Wednesday with my buds (Ric, Alex, Sarah). Why the curve of all places? Well, actually Ric wanted to get some books at the Popular/Borders over at that area and I wanted to look at some bass guitars at Bentley while Alex just wanna go sight see-ing i guess and last but not least Sarah, who wants to get some stuff for her tortoises.
So we started our day by having lunch at Ikea. Not too bad i guess, considering its only rm11. After lunch we headed to Popular for Ric's books. Guess what Ric bought over there? Pokemon comics and a guitar manual. Yup, just awesome books. Anyway, after buying those books, we headed over to Bentley to look at my bass guitars. Below are some pics of us there.
After dinner, we went for a movie. Zombie Land. Must thank Andrew first for being such a nice friend. He had actually watched this movie but still he went in together with us. So sweet right? Anyway, the movie was kinda funny and not to mention, Emma Stone who played the role of Wichita is kinda hot. Overall, not a bad movie. For fans of the L4d game, its a must watch.

Posted by ~Daniel~ at 4:02 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I've Found My Other Wing
Greetings to all my dear readers!! If there's any in the first place (ah who cares). Anyway, as stated in the chat box beside, my blog is finally back in action after a few months of inactvity and this will be the first post. Well, I have to apologize to those that have been visiting my blog every now and then only to find that it's rotting. I'll try to blog as much as possible to make up for it.
Ok, so as you can see, my blog's layout has changed once again. I feel its only suitable to change almost everything as its a new beginning to my blog. Some of you will even notice that I do not type like a retard anymore. Yes people!!! No more capital and small lettering. Even thought many of you have complained about how confusing it is to read my posts, I'm sorry that i have to keep it up. Its part of my bet with a friend (refer to the first post if you're not sure what i'm talking bout). Anyway, I won the bet and i'll do a full post on how i'm going to make my friend suffer later. (Yes, i'm so evil >.<) Well, for those of you who have my contacts, dont hesitate to contact me and give me some ideas on how i should "punish" my friend for making me and you suffer. Its revenge for all you guys out there that have headaches after reading my posts. SO DONT BE SHY. Drop me a comment on what i should do to my friend later after reading this post.
Ok, lets continue. I've found my other wing. Well, basically i got this from a manga i've been reading recently. For those of you who dont know what it means, here's the meaning. I've found my other wing simply means that i was previously a bird that has only one wing. Unable to fly and is locked up in a cage. But since i've found my other wing, I'm now able to fly to the open sky. In a nutshell, it means FREEDOM!!! With the exams finally over, I've gained temporary freedom... Too bad its only a matter of time before the new sem starts and break one of my wings again. (cries T.T)
Well, anyway, here's a list of things i plan to do during my holidays:
1) Train myself
2) Learn how to make chocolates with Ric
3) Get to decent level in an online game
4) Play
5) Catch up on sleep
6) Play somemore
7) Train my dota skills
8) Did i meantion playing?
9) Update my blog with many events that i hope to have during my holidays
10) Last but not least... Play somemore!!!!
Well, thats it for now... before i go. I'll post a question here. What do you think of my new blog? Leave a comment in the comment section or the chat box beside ok? Dont forget bout my other question to. Well thats it. Love you guys!!
Posted by ~Daniel~ at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Cost Cost and More Cost!!!
HaD mY dAd OvEr FoR tHe WeEkEnD. hE fInAlLy BrOuGhT dOwN mY eLeTrIc GuItAr WiTh HiM... aNd (InSeRt SwEaR hErE)... mY gUiTaR's A tRaIn WrEcK!!!
i GuEsS tHaTs WhAt HaPpEnS wHeN yOu LeAvE yOuR gUiTaR hAnGiNg On tHe WaLl FoR aBoUt 2 YeArS... hAiZ... gUeSs I hAvE tO sEnD iT tO tHe HoSpItAl... NeEd To ReStRiNg... ChAnGe ThE pIcKuPs AnD dO sOmE mAInTaInCe... GoNnA bE cOsTlY...
My GuItAr AmP dIeD tOo... ZzZ... NeEd A nEw OnE tOo... HaIz... i GuEsS iTs GoNnA cOsT mE aBoUt Rm1000 Or So To GeT mY eLeCtRiC gUiTaR aNd AmP wOrKiNg AgAiN... (G.G)
NoT tO mEnTiOn... My DeSkToP jUsT gAvE wAy... WhAt PeRfEcT tImInG... mOrE cOsT tO bArE... hAiZ... mY dReAmS oF gEtTiNg A NeW bAsS gUiTaR iS fLyInG fUrThEr AwAy FrOm Me... (>.<)... DoNt Go PlEaSe... My BaSs GuItAr... NoOoOoOoOo!!!! CoMe BaCk!!!
aNyOnE kNoW oF a GoOd GuItAr HoSpItAl In Kl? PlEaSe InFoRm Me... ThAnkS.
Posted by ~Daniel~ at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
AlRiGhT lEtS gEt StArTeD. aFtEr OnE wHoLe DaY oF pRoCrAsTiNaTiNg... I'm FiNaLlY iN tHe MoOd To BlOg AbOuT mY mTv WoRlDsTaGe LiVe In MaLaYsIa ExPeRiEnCe. WeLl, AcTuAlLy I aM jUsT bUrNiNg TiMe... ReSuLtS fOr LaSt SeM's ExAmS aRe CoMiNg OuT iN aBoUt 2 HoUrS oR sO... gOoD lUcK tO aLl My CoUrSeMaTeS... aNyWaY i WiLl BlOg AbOuT tHe BaNdS aCcOrDiNg To My LiKiNg... NoT tHe AcTuAl OrDeR oF pErFoRmAnCe. ThE oNe ThAt I hAtE oR dIsLiKe ThE mOsT wIlL bE fIrSt AnD tHe OnE tHaT i LiKe Or LoVe ThE mOSt WiLl Be LaSt.
Ok... FiRsT a LiTtLe InTrO bOuT tHe EvEnT... tHe EvEnT iS hElD iN SuNwAy LaGoOn SuRf BeAcH oN tHe 15Th Of AuGuSt... I gOt My TiC ThRoUgH rIc... ReAlLy HaVe To ThAnK hIm FoR iT... hErE'S a PiC oF tHe MoShPiT wE wErE iN. (pIcS aRe FrOm ThE wOrLdStAgE wEb)
If YoU eNlArGe tHe PiC, yOu WiLl NoTiCe ThAt I hAvE cIrClEd A fEeL hEaDs... ReD cIrCle Is ThE gUy ThAt I WaS sTaNdInG NeXt To... GrEeN iS rIc... Or HaLf Of RiC iF yOu WouLd... AnD fInAlLy ThE BlUe CiRcLe... ThE GiRl I wAnNa KiLl... ShE hElD uP tHe FrEe FaN wE gOt AnD aS a ReSulT... OnLy CaN sEe ThE gUy I wAs StAnDiNg NeXt To... CoMpLeTeLy BlOcKeD mY FaCe... (>.<) ThE eVeNt WaS mC-eD bY sOmE vJs. BeLoW iS a PiC oF aLl FiVe Of ThEm. AnDy FrOm ChInA Is ThE fIrSt OnE fRoM tHe LeFt, FoLlOwEd By DeNiSe, ArT, TaYa AnD fInAlLy ShAwN fRoM kOrEa.
AnYwAy, LeTs CoNtInUe To ThE bAnDs Or PeRfOrMaNcEs. FiRsT oNe Up... PiXiE lOtT.
yEs... ThIs MeAnS i DiSlIkEd ThIs PeRfOrMaNcE tHe MoSt. DoNt GeT mE wRoNg, I lIkE hEr SoNgS aNd AlL bUt I fEeL iTs A BiT oUt Of PlAcE fOr HeR tO bE hErE. aLl ThE oThEr PeRfOrMaNcEs ArE eNeRgEtIc RoCk BaNdS... cOmPaRe ThEm To PiXiE... sHe KiNdA lOsE... hOwEvEr If It WaS a CoNcErT oF hEr OwN... i'M sUrE iT wIlL kIcK bAlLs... I hEaRd ShE wIlL bE cOmInG tO mAlAySiA wItH lAdY gAgA... cAn AnYoNe CoMfIrM tHiS?
NeXt Up... KaSaBiAn... Ok... ThIs ShoUlD bE iN tHe LaSt PlAcE... BuT bEcAuSe Of ThIeR eNeRgY... iT mAdE iT tO sEcOnD lAsT...
i AbSoLuTeLy HaTe ThEm... NoT mY cUp Of TeA... tHeY aRe NoT bAd... JuSt NoT mY sTyLe... EnOuGh SaId...
NeXt Is OuR vErY oWn MaLaYsIaN bAnD... eStRaNgEd!!! ChEeRs!!! JuSt LoOk At ThE bAsSiSt... ThE mAkE uP... (=.=)
ThEy ArE dEfInAtElY oNe Of ThE bEtTeR bAnDs In MaLaYsIa. LoVeD tHiEr AcT aNd EnErGy. I rEaLlY lOvE oNe Of ThIeR sOnG eNtItLeD "iTu KaMu" WeLl ThAt PrOvEs ThAt MaLaYsIaNs ArE bIg EnOuGh To PlAy WiTh ThE bIg BoYs I gUeSs... BuT tHeRe'S rOoM fOr ImPrOvEmEnT.
NeXt Is RayGun!!!
Ok To Be FrAnK... i DiN eVeN kNoW tHiS bAnD eXiStEd BeFoRe ThEy StArTeD pRoMoTiNg ThIs EvEnT... bUt AlL iN aLl... ThEy DiD pReEtY wElL. ThIeR sOnGs SoUndEd VeRy ReTrO aNd It HaS a VeRy CaTcHy ReTrO-nEsS tO tHeM. QuItE lIkE iT. (XD)
NoW fOr ThE tOp 3 BaNdS... tAkInG tHe ThIrD sPoT iS bOyS lIkE gIrLs!!!
Ok, I hAvE tO aDmIt. ThIs Is OnE oF mY fAvOuRiTe BaNd AnD aLsO oNe Of ThE rEaSoN i WeNt To ThIs GiG. ThEy OpEnEd WiTh ThIeR 2009 sInGlE "lOvE dRuNk" wHiCh GoT gIrLs FrOm AlL oVeR sCrEaMiNg "MaRrY mE mArTiN!" mArTiN iS tHe LeAd SiNgEr By ThE wAy. ThIeR sEcOnD sOnG wAs HeRo/HeRoInE aNd WhEn It CaMe To ThE tHiRd SoNg... EvEn ThE wEaThEr WaS wItH tHeM... iT wAs RaInInG fOr A bIt AnD tHeRe WaS tHuNdErS!!! wHeN lEaD sInGeR mArTiN sAiD "dO i HeAr A tHuNdEr?" It GoT tHe WhOlE cRoWd ChEeRiNg As He SaNg ThIeR tHiRd SoNg "ThUnDeR". tHiEr FiNaL sOnG wAs NoNe OtHeR tHaN "tHe GrEaT eScApE" hE eVeN cLiMbEd Up ThE sTaGe BeAmS wHiLe SiNgInG tHiS sOnG. rEaLlY aWeSoMe.
SeCoNd SpOt Is TaKeN bY hOoBaStAnK.
WeLl, I hAvEnT bEeN uPdAtInG oN tHiS bAnD sInCe "tHe ReAsOn" BuT iT lOoKs LiKe ThE aRe DoInG rEaL gOoD wItH tHiEr NeW aLbUm. I wIlL gEt It LaTeR. i WaS lIkE... "i ThInK i WoNt EnJoY tHiEr AcT aS i HaVe LoSt ToUcH oN tHeM bEfOrE tHe CoNcErT". bUt I wAs DeAd WrOnG!!! tHiEr PeRfOrMaNcE wAs AwEsOmE. tHeY eVeN dId "CrAwLiNg In ThE dArK" aNd "ThE rEaSoN". i WaS sO sHoCkEd ThAt ThEy WoUlD sInG tHeSe TwO sOnGs. ThEy ArE mY aLl TiMe FaVoUrItE sOnGs AnD wHeN dAn ThE gUiTaRiSt DiD tHe InTrO fOr CrAwLiNg In ThE dArK... iT aLmOsT mAdE mE nUtZ!!! i WaS sCrEaMiNg AnD jUmPiNg LiKe A lItTlE gIrL (>.<) tHeY eVeN dId "GhOsTbUsTeR" tHoSe JoKeRs... I lOvE tHeM. AnD fInAlLy ThE nO. 1 aNd MoSt LoVeD bAnD oF tHe NiGhT... AAR... ALL AMERICAN REJECTS!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO
Posted by ~Daniel~ at 10:06 AM 0 comments